For the Record

I feel a little excited, a little hesitant as to how disciplined I will be with posting in my first ever blog! I have been wanting to write for about a year and six months now. But, knowing how I can procrastinate, it had to be today (go figure). I want to write about my past life changing experiences when I traveled around Asia and Southeast Asia. It wasn’t just a country and a few days; it was 9 countries (China, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Vietnam, Hong Kong (Part of China), Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia), 26 cities and nearly a year of very personal growth, life lessons, and extremely memorable adventures. In the scheme of all things, the following year, I was truly blessed by having the grand opportunity to represent communities of Chinatown and Los Angeles for an ambassadorial program here in Los Angeles. With all this happening, I was able to learn so much about part of the world, and more about myself if anything.

I want to do this because I want to put all this down so I won’t forget and in hopes that my friends, family, and future children(?) can learn and be motived to explore the world too. I cant be more grateful for the things I have experienced and the people I have in my life. I hope you will enjoy my experiences as I go back into my memory to retrace them all.

Right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Katrina, I am currently twenty-something and I am excited to share my very TRUE AND REAL LIFE adventures with you.

*Chinese version soon to come